Why do American Women Divorce?

Because American women expect to find in their husbands a perfection English women only hope to find in their butlers.
– Somerset Maugham in The Razor’s Edge p.164

Folks, The Razor’s Edge is another delightful book (at least, so far) by Somerset Maugham.

As in Maugham’s The Moon and Sixpence, we have a strong, unconventional character here too (Larry) with little concern for the mores, practices and conventions of society.

Casting aside all attachment, our unusual protagonist marches heroically to a drummer, different from most others in society.

We hope Larry’s ultimate fate is not as tragic as that of Charles Strickland in The Moon and Sixpence.

Once we are through with The Razor’s Edge we plan to read Maugham’s best-known work Of Human Bondage.

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