Kingfisher Beer – Down Memory Lane

Back in the ol’ days, Kingfisher was the beer we quaffed the most.

Yeah, us and a few hundred million other denizens of Mera Bharat Mahaan aka Incredible India.

We can’t think of an Indian bar or liquor store that did not carry Kingfisher beer then.

The tall dark Kingfisher bottles were ubiquitous.

Kingfisher BeerIndian Beer at an American Liquor Store

Opening the Fire-Hose

If our memory serves us right, on occasion, we’ve even stood outside liquor stores and downed a few glasses.

Yes, in 20th century India you could drink outside liquor stores along with auto-rickshaw drivers, railway coolies, students etc or in a small room at the back of the store with a plate of chicken, onion pieces and sliced green chilies.

And when the pressure on our bladder increased relief came from staggering out and aiming the fire-hose at the nearest wall (often someone’s house).

If Incredible India stinks, you can be sure we’ve contributed our bit for that horrid smell that hits your nostrils the moment you set foot in that amazing, stinking country. 😉

Not King Fishing in the U.S.

But all that was, what, a million years back?

You see, Kingfisher is not easily available in the U.S.

Shame, even the neighborhood Gujju liquor stores usually don’t carry it.

Some Indian restaurants in the U.S. do carry it but charge a disgusting $4 for $5 for a small bottle.

Also, over the years our beer preferences have been inconsistent.

For a few years, it was mostly Heineken. Then, we discovered Tequiza and enjoyed it until Anheuser-Busch stopped making it.

Now for the last couple of years it’s been mostly the Irish beer Guinness Extra Stout.

Occasionally, we stray to try the Blue Moon, Arrogant Bastard, Namaste etc.

Hey, even if you have the prettiest babe as your wife you still want to unbutton the hooker and see what she’s got down there.

Don’t you? Well, at least we do.

The other day we visited one of the biggest liquor stores in the area, a massive store with aisles and aisles of beer, gin, whiskey, wine, brandy, rum and more.

As we wandered over to the beer aisle, holy cow, what should our eyes fall upon?

Good ol’ Kingfisher (not the foundering airline) but the beer.

We quickly picked it up.

The 650-ml bottle was $3.49 plus 4-cents for recycling.

How is Kingfisher?

This is a golden orange colored beer with little to no head.

As you sniff into the glass, a faint smell of hops wafts up.

The overall feeling on our palate was not unpleasant.

But keep in mind that Kingfisher Premium Lager is a light beer.

A pale lager.

We don’t know about you schmucks but yours truly would need at least three or four bottles to get a mild buzz.

In our beer lexicon, a beer either has character or it doesn’t.

We’re sorry to inform y’all that Kingfisher is not one of the beers that has much of a character.

Would we pick up the Kingfisher bottle again?

Highly Unlikely.

Now if you putzheads will excuse us, our bottle of Guinness Extra Stout beckons.

6 Responses to "Kingfisher Beer – Down Memory Lane"

  1. AC   March 4, 2012 at 1:11 pm

    If you like Guinness, other ales you might like are Boddington’s or Fuller’s London Porter. Responds::

    Will try them soon.

  2. gandhiji   March 6, 2012 at 7:26 am

    I had my KF after I had several Buds and Millers.. I thought I liked the KF better than Bud and Miller.. Maybe I was drinking it with spicy chicken. Nowadays, I don’t go near any of the 3.

    The Quote of Dharun Ravi page is drawing a blank.. please fix it. Responds:

    Hell, anything’ll taste better than Bud or Miller. Probably, even piss. 🙁

    Agreed, KF is way better than Bud or Miller.

    Fixed the Dharun page. Thanks.

  3. shadowfax_arbit   March 6, 2012 at 10:58 am

    Did you see UP election results?

    Thanks to Rahul baba who went on extensive campaign, slept with dalits etc – Congress got drubbed in the elections. It stands fourth even below BJP. Responds:

    Yes, saw the Rahul/Congress washout.

    Ha ha ha.

    Crown Prince turns Clown Prince.

  4. Naveen   March 6, 2012 at 12:05 pm

    What is your opinion on Dos Equis? Responds:

    Can’t remember.

    We’ll review it soon.

    Maybe, it’s time to get off the Guinness train.

    • Naveen   March 7, 2012 at 1:32 am

      Maybe you could review Thums Up vs Coke/Pepsi and Limca vs ??

      When in India Desis drink only Coke or Pepsi but after settling down here we seem to crave for the very expensive Thums Up and Limca. Responds:

      We don’t have a Patel Brothers in a 100-mile radius….don’t want to risk drinking old stuff.

      Given the crowds in their stores, things are likely to be fresher and move faster at Patel Bros.

      • Naveen   March 7, 2012 at 5:50 pm

        A couple of years ago these Desi stores had piled up stale bottles but I dont recall coming across a stale bottle in the recent times. Responds:

        Where we live, we’ve seen dirty, dusty bottles.

        We have 10 stores for just a few thousand desis. Far too many for any one to have decent business.

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