Movies We’ve Watched Lately – Three Days of the Condor

Here is a movie we’ve watched lately.

* Three Days of the Condor (directed by Sydney Pollack) – This is a 35-year-old movie featuring Robert Redford, one of our Hollywood favorites and also one of the finest living actors, and Faye Dunaway (remember Chinatown?).

Robert Redford plays Joe Turner, a CIA employee (but not a spy) whose life is in danger after a report he’s authored and submitted to CIA headquarters in Langley leads to all his colleagues in New York City office being killed when he’s out for lunch.

Soon, ‘they’ are out to get him as well.

And the cat and mouse game begins.

Can Turner outwit the determined killers at his back?

Robert Redford is superb as Turner. No other word is appropriate to describe his extraordinary performance in this decent conspiracy thriller.

Faye Dunaway is cast in the role of Kathy, a woman Turner kidnaps at gun-point in a bid to find a safe house. She turns in a fine performance as well.

Three Days of the Condor is available on Netflix Instant Play and on DVD as well.

Definitely worth a watch.

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