Still Slogging for that Shitty Software Firm?

We were reading the weekend Wall Street Journal (the print version not online) a short while ago and found these interesting statistics:

* Wholesale Price of 1 KG of Cocaine in Colombia – $1,200

* Wholesale Price of 1 KG of Cocaine in Panama – $2,300

* Wholesale Price of 1 KG of Cocaine in Mexico – $8,300

* Wholesale Price of 1 KG of Cocaine in the U.S – $15,000-$25,000 (depending on distance to Mexico border)

* Retail Price of 1 KG of Cocaine in New York City – $80,000

Source: Saving Mexico in Wall Street Journal, December 26-27, 2009 P.W3

As pot lovers, we’ve always been for legalization of all forms of drugs.

Further, if we haven’t turned the tide after spending $1 trillion, no sire, we ain’t winning this war. Not in our lifetime.

By the way, the coke-snorting yuppies on the Upper West Side of Manhattan never bear the price of our ‘War on Drugs.’

It’s the poor, stupid black kids from the ‘hood who get thrown into the can (remember, prisons have been privatized and someone’s got to keep the occupancy rate high). 🙁

When’s the next flight to Bogota? 😉

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