Many summers ago, we purchased Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable but never had the time or the will to peruse the book.
On the shelves it languished for several years.
Lately, we’ve dusted the book and like a starving Oriyan from Kalahandi we’re now gormandizing on the contents.
By the way, our copy is the Centenary Edition, Revised in 1981 and edited by Ivor H.Evans. Most likely, we purchased the book at a used book store for a few dollars.
The book makes for very interesting reading. Pick a page at random and a nugget awaits you.
Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable owes to the toil of Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, who compiled the first volume in 1870. The book quickly found favor with readers and is said to have been reprinted 18 times in the first 16 years. For more on Brewer the man, look up his profile on Wiki.
Here are a few interesting phrases from Brewer’s:
* As a pig loves marjoram – Do not like it at all.
Our copy of Merriam Webster’s defines marjoram as fragrant and aromatic mint. Apparently, marjoram is not a favorite of swine.
Example of usage:
Did you like Abhishek Bachchan’s new movie Raavan?
As a pig loves marjoram.
* Faint heart never won fair lady – If you can’t understand this, then there’s no hope for ye. None at all.
* Put a bun in the oven – To impregnate.
Example of usage:
The principal preoccupation of many Bollywood gazers is to know whether the Flop-King has put a bun in the Beauty Queen’s oven.
* Love and lordship never like fellowship: Lovers and princes can’t stand rivals.
The below phrase is not from Brewer’s.
* Put lipstick on the dipstick – Give a blow-job.
Example of usage:
When we hire a hooker, our first instruction invariably is: Come on baby, put some lipstick on my dipstick.
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