Classless Chutiyas Snub Mardaani

No one has ever accused Indians (be they in Mera Bharat Mahaan or in Amreeka) of possessing even a semblance of class. As I’ve said often, the essence of Indians is their Chutiyaness. Nowhere is the Indian Chutiyaness more evident than in their unbounded love for trashy Bollywood movies. Trashier the Indian movie the bigger […]

Mardaani – Miracle! Indian Film No Stinky

Gentlemen, please key in your bids on the iPads for item #104 [a young girl up for sale]. 100% virgin. 100% pure. Guaranteed. – Scene from Mardaani Amid the stinking dungheap of crappy Bollywood movies, Mardaani stands out as an aberration. A rare Indian film that comes across as a breath of fresh air. All […]