Can this Lassi Ad Really be True?

The latest issue of New Yorker magazine (Oct 6, 2008) has an HSBC commercial banking ad on P.30 which claims that in Punjab washing machines are not used just for laundry.

Apparently, washing machines are also used in the North Indian state of Punjab as a yoghurt blender to make that delicious drink all Indians love – Lassi.

Lassi Ad
Lassi Ad in New Yorker (P.30)

God almighty. Can this really be true?

Wonder what they use the dryer for in Punjab? Any idea?

One Response to "Can this Lassi Ad Really be True?"

  1. shuaib68   October 13, 2008 at 1:26 am

    Maybe, it’s true.

    So the next time you will also see:

    PAPER SHREADDER is being used to make Meat Grinding and Kotthu Parota (South Indian Food)
    PHOTOCOPIER – to make chappathi & Paper Dhosai
    DVD Drives – to roast the chappathi (This one already appearing in an advertisement-Philips DVD Players)
    DISH ANTENNA(as a frying pan)- to fry chicken and vadai
    BUBBLEJET PRINTER – to apply mehendi on palms and body
    HAND HELD BLENDER – to help digest the food we consume
    FLOOR POLISHER – to clean our face and body
    GRASS CUTTER /LAWN MOWER – to cut hair and trimming of beard
    VEGETABLE CHOPPER – for shaving
    VACCUM CLEANER – to suck out the human waste

    and there will be more to come…… to be continued!

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