Screw Bollywood Producers; Support Multiplex Owners

Folks, greed is often inversely proportional to quality. Case in point – Bollywood. Most Bollywood movies are either unwatchable trash or stolen (and frequently both). Now the Bollywood bubbleheads are at loggerheads with the multiplex owners. You ask, about what? Over money, what else. Seeking 50% share of the box office revenues, Bollywood producers are now boycotting the […]

Poondu Kozhambu: Chettiar Gift to Mankind

Back in the ol’ days, the Chettiars of Tamil Nadu had a not-so-nice reputation as usurious moneylenders. The popular perception was that members of this caste were modern-day Shylocks. Maybe. Maybe not. But we’ll forgive the Chettiars any and all vices for the gift of their sui generis Chettinad cuisine to humankind. Among the many […]