Folks, what is it that Tamils in the UK drink?
Whatever it is, could we please force some of the same down the deep throats of Tamils in the U.S., Tamils in India, Tamils in Malaysia, Tamils in Sri Lanka et al.
It’s with mucho gusto we disclose to you that UK Tamils have soundly rejected Gautam Menon’s latest piece of shit Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa.
If any shit deserves to fail, it’s this stupid shit Vinnaithaandi Varuvaaya.
Boy, we haven’t had such good news this cold winter in the U.S.
A class-less, crass-full movie, Vinnaithaandi Varuvaaya is amateur stuff that high school students here would be embarrassed of making. Utter drivel.
Well, no ever accused Kollywood of a surfeit of quality. Right?
For the opening February 26-28, 2010 weekend, Vinnaithaandi Varuvaaya could manage a total gross of a mere £13,247 and average gross of £2,649.
In what can only be described as the mother of all disgraces, Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa has fared worse than Vishal’s monstrosity Sathyam.
Now that’s a feat we never thought Gautam Menon could achieve. But the Menon bozo never ceases to surprise when it comes to winning booby prizes.
Here see for yourself in the below table how badly Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa has fared at the UK box office compared to a few prominent Tamil movies:
Here’s an excerpt from’s review of Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa:
Boring Shit
Is there any one among you that can answer this question – How did this Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa abortion come to be made and how did it get to be released in theaters?Since you schmucks can’t answer that, here’s our hypothesis: Some Stalin or Grimalkin had more money than it knew what to do with and the end-result was this boring shit called Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa.
If you go by the credits, Gautham Menon has also penned the story for this grossly underwhelming movie.
Yet another unimaginative, trite love story, Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa offers little charm to the audience.
Same old boy sees girl, falls head-over-heels in love drivel. And as y’all know the course of true love never does run smooth in Indian films and opposition invariably comes by way of the stubborn father and the different religions of the lovers.
That’s all there’s to this junk. Really, guys.
And we yawned through the ennui for 2 hours and 30-minutes.
To think that this Menon fella has been making movies for a decade and this shitty script is all he can come up with?
Related Stories:
Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa Review – Stupid Shit
FYI, Responds:
Saw the letter yesterday.
To quote your previous comment, One of the empirical observations is that brain diminishes in size as age progresses.