Halal Food Envelops NYC

New York City is catholic (in the non-religious sense) in its embrace of different cultures, food and people. And sure enough of Halal too. These days it seems as if every direction we turn in New York City there’s a food establishment proclaiming its food to be Halal. The other day as we were walking […]

Kingfisher Beer – Down Memory Lane

Back in the ol’ days, Kingfisher was the beer we quaffed the most. Yeah, us and a few hundred million other denizens of Mera Bharat Mahaan aka Incredible India. We can’t think of an Indian bar or liquor store that did not carry Kingfisher beer then. The tall dark Kingfisher bottles were ubiquitous. Indian Beer […]

London Paris New York – Romantic Parody

By Naveen When I walked into the 2:50pm show of London Paris New York at the local Regal Cinemas I expected another exclusive Indian movie watching experience. My expectation was fair considering the movie boasts of no stars and except for pinheads no one was exactly stroking for this movie to cum! 😉 Who would […]

Scumbag of the Day – Judge Richard Cebull

Barack Obama is not a saint. Truth be said there are no saints in the world. Only evildoers and less evildoers. But compared to a lot of scumbags out there in the world, at least once in a while Obama tries to do something good for the 99%. That’s more than can be said of […]

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