About Us

SearchIndia.com will strive to address issues that interest Indians and the Indian diaspora on this blog.

We’ll cover Korean, Bollywood, Tamil, English, and Telugu Movies, Current Affairs, Economy, Politics, Literature, Information Technology, Digital Media, Legal Matters and anything else that might catch our fancy.

Hey, our canvas is as wide and varied as the country we hail from.

Although our ship sailed out of India many summers ago, our heart still yearns for the ole country.

We’ve dropped anchor on the East Coast in the U.S., from which perch we take note of all that we consider noteworthy.


Reading the SearchIndia.com blog is a privilege we grant you, not a right you claim.

If you have a point to make, do it paucis verbis. Leave the bloviating to the wise souls at SearchIndia.com.

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Like Ronald ‘I am paying for this microphoneReagan, we are paying for the infrastructure.

And so we set the rules around here.


We may delete any comment in full or part, delete your web links, add any links, modify your comment and/or user name or even delete your user registration on this blog at any time without assigning any reason. Should we deem it necessary, we may convert your comment into a blog post after editing it in any manner we chose. All your comments, posts, photographs, reviews and any other form of contribution on SearchIndia.com become our property and we may do with it what we wish. 

Don’t like our rules?

Tough luck.

Go find something else to amuse yourself.


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