Brahmins Live Longer, Shudras Shorter

Brahmins Live Longer, Shudras Shorter

Brahmins are one of nature’s most fascinating, most bizarre, most diabolical creatures. Obsessed with weird rituals, an abiding fondness for in-breeding, an unquenchable thirst for Cow-ca-Cola, a sneering contempt for eating meat and a diet limited to plant products, the scheming Brahmins are a tiny group geographically restricted to the barbarous land mass designated in […]

How America Protects Americans

Update: NSA also has direct access via PRISM program to Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, Skype, AOL etc servers. It’s great to be an American in the 21st Century. Hallelujah! While Americans are frolicking at the beach, clicking ‘Like‘ on Facebook, Tweeting what they had for breakfast at McDonald’s and Taco Bell, watching American Idol, […]

Chechens – Cursed or Curseworthy?

To be a Chechen is crime enough, sir, I assure you. We Chechen are born extremely guilty. Ever since czarist times, our noses have been culpably flat and our hair and skin criminally dark. This is an enduring offense to public order, sir….I am a Chechen black-arse. Why do I have to have a reason […]