Vikram Pandit Butchers 73,000, Buying $50m Jet

Vikram Pandit a.k.a. Desi Butcher is a man with absolutely no shame. The man is also a f****** idiot. The incompetent dodo who is clueless in dealing with the mega-crisis facing the beleaguered financial services company Citigroup (of which he is CEO), the desi butcher whose sole mantra to handle the crisis is to hack away […]

70,000 American Jobs go Poof

Tis a bad day today if you happen to be an American worker. Over 70,000 American jobs vanished today. A consequenceof the current economic crisis brought about by unalloyed greed (even as senior executives spent $1.2 million on renovating their offices, executives at loss making firms get hefty bonuses as in Merrill Lynch…beyond disgusting). Here’s […]

More Accolades for Slumdog; Keep ‘Em Coming

We love it. Just love it. Oh, we mean the awards for the non-Bollywood masterpiece from India – Slumdog Millionaire. This time, the fine movie picked up the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by the Cast of a Motion Picture (akin to a Best Picture award). Anil Kapoor, who plays the quiz-show host in the […]

Incredible India – 4

Folks, here comes the fourth instalment of Incredible India with those only-in-India stories. * Ram’s Monkeys Run Amok in Mangalore Pub. A bunch of thugs belonging to the Shri Ram Sena attacked some girls in the coastal city of Mangalore in the South Indian state of Karnataka. Why? Because the girls were having a good […]