Namoora Santelli – Great Kannada Song

Truth be said, I’ve seen more Korean films than Kannada movies! The Kannada film industry makes the trashy Kollywood, Tollywood and Bollywood look like they produce nothing but masterpieces. Kannada films had their heyday in the 1970s and 1980s. Since then, it’s been in precipitous decline. I present below one of my favorite Kannada songs […]

Bullett Raja – Usual Bollywood Vomit

The only group of people for whom Bullett Raja is appropriate are masochistic Indian moviegoers who derive their jollies from painful lashes on their back. The rest ought to stay at home than subject themselves to this puerile attempt at movie-making. Insufferable Garbage – Beginning to End From the opening “encounter” scene on a rural […]

Why Does America Hate Hindus?

Car Pooja in Progress at a U.S. East Coast Hindu Temple As a Hindu, albeit a non-believing one, SI is mad as hell. What’s wrong with us Hindus that we should be so flagrantly, blatantly discriminated against by America! Hey Narendra Modi, where are you when we Hindus need you most? Watching Muslim Wankers This […]

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