Bvlgari Man in Black – Ideal for Curry Hogs

Bvlgari Man in Black – Ideal for Curry Hogs

“You can smell an Indian before you see or hear him” is a truism as old as the Himalayas. Just the other day, I stumbled upon a furphy that Alexander the Great hurriedly scampered out of India after crushing the local king Porus not because his soldiers mutinied; au contraire, it seems the Emperor found […]

Boss Review – For the Sweating, Stinking Desis

Say what you will, it’s hard to get close to another desi guy. No, we don’t mean emotionally but literally (as in physical proximity). Most desi men smell stink. Badly. No question about it. Don’t believe us? Go ahead, ask your Caucasian buddy. The odds are 90 to 1 that your White IT buddy at […]