Will Apple Do a Jesus on Smartwatches?

Resurrection (Painting by Danish artist Carl Bloch) Billions of Christian zombies delight in the myth that Jesus rose bodily from the dead and fondly hail it as the Resurrection! In our own times, Apple is trying the Resurrection trick for watches with the impending launch of a line of smartwatches. Thus arises the multi-billion dollar […]

Why Sonakshi Sinha Eats More Tandoori Chicken than Deepika Padukone

Why Sonakshi Sinha Eats More Tandoori Chicken than Deepika Padukone

I keep reading articles in Indian newspapers about an obesity epidemic ravaging India. Plus, diabetes rates are said to have tripled, quadrupled or whatever the next higher number is. Like most folks, I too thought that fat Rakesh Gupta and obese Senthil Kumaran were fat because undisciplined, gluttonous Rakesh and Senthil eat more Tandoori Chicken, Paneer […]

Million Dollar Arm – Slumdogs Learn Baseball

I have mixed feelings about Million Dollar Arm, the new Disney film about two slumdogs (Indians) who make it into major league baseball in America. The film claims to be based on a true story (of two Indian youngsters Rinku Singh and Dinesh Patel who were picked in a contest in India, came and trained […]

Secrets to Salman Khan’s Long Life

[Alexander Imich] always ate sparingly, inspired by Eastern mystics who disdain food. “There are some people in India who do not eat,” he said admiringly. – Interview with World’s Oldest Man Alexander Imich, 111, in New York Times Why do some people live long? Why do some people die young? I’m not talking here of […]

1,227 Quite Interesting Facts – Amusing

I picked up 1,227 Quite Interesting Facts on a lark. It was lying forlorn in the new books section of my local library casting a beseeching “Pick Me Up” look in my direction. I’m glad I picked it up because the book is a cornucopia of interesting ‘facts.’ Now I have no way of knowing […]

Indians Don’t Support Tech Innovations

Indians (living in Mera Bharat Mahaan) lack the entrepreneurial drive that’s so abundant in Americans (and among Indians settled in the U.S.). That’s not really new, is it? But what surprises me is that in a land boasting of nearly three million software programmers there’s very little encouragement for innovation in technology even from average […]

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