Tamil Girl Anamika Veeramani is 2010 Spelling Bee Champion

Desi girl Anamika Veeramani is the 2010 Spelling Bee champion. Anamika’s winning word at the 2010 Spelling Bee finals held at the Grand Hyatt hotel in Washington DC this evening was stromuhr. (And we predicted the winner this morning. No kidding, folks. Read our comments and posts from earlier today.) The 14-year-old girl is an […]

Shantanu Srivatsa Out of Spelling Bee

Desi lad Shantanu Srivatsa is out of the 2010 Spelling Bee championship. Unless, Anamika Veeramani also misses her word in this round. In which case, Shantanu will be back in the race. By the way, Shantanu was tripped by the word Ochidore. The 13-year-old boy is an 8th grade student at the Cheney Middle School […]

2 Indian Kids Duke it Out for Spelling Bee Championship

What a great day for Indian Americans. Two desi kids Anamika Veeramani and Shantanu Srivatsa are now dueling for the prestigious 2010 Spelling Bee championship. Two others have (almost) been eliminated in earlier rounds. If the desi kids miss their words, then two of the earlier losers will be back in the race.

Aditya Chemudupaty Out

Desi kid Aditya Chemudupaty is out of the 2010 Spelling Bee. Aditya was tripped by engysseismology. The 13-year-old is an 8th grader at Nolan Ryan Junior High School in Pearland, Texas. Oh, well. there are two more desi kids in the fray: Anamika Veeramani and Shantanu Srivatsa. Here’s Aditya’s bio from the Bee web site: […]

3 Desi Kids Make it To Spelling Bee Finals

Tamil Girl Anamika Veeramani is 2010 Spelling Bee Champion Three desi kids Anamika Veeramani, Shantanu Srivatsa and Aditya Chemudupaty have made it to the finals of the 2010 Spelling Bee competition. The performance of desi students has not been as good this year as in 2009. Last year, seven desi kids made it to the […]

For the Desi Dunces Dreaming of Spelling Bee Crown

It’s the desi elders who dream of the Spelling Bee wreath. As they cajole their young daughters, sons or in-betweens with lusty exhortations to glory, these desis from Mayavaram and Mathura, Ranchi and Rewa, Gulbarga and Gorakhpur, Nagpur and Noida refuse to abandon the fantasy of the Spelling Bee wreath aloft the heads of their […]