America – A Land of 45 Million Crazies, Watch Out

After several years of living in America, we most definitely knew our adopted land was a nation of many crazies, whackos, fruitcakes and screwballs. How else can you explain the popularity of Glenn Beck, Fox News, Cheerleading, Eric Cantor, Baseball, Sarah Palin, Tattoos and the Superbowl. Come on, which sane person sports a tattoo or […]

Bad Day for American Workers – U.S. Postal Service Says F-You to 35,000 Employees

Things are getting worse for U.S. workers. The bozos at the U.S. Postal Service are preparing to fire 35,000 employees. Arguing that its massive nationwide infrastructure is no longer financially sustainable, the USPS is considering shuttering 250 processing facilities, reducing mail processing equipment by 50%, dramatically decreasing the nationwide transportation network, throwing 35,000 employees under […]

Yeeks, America Turning Into India – 46m Americans Languish in Poverty

Who says unbridled, unregulated capitalism does not produce prosperity? Of course, unregulated capitalism produces prosperity. For a tiny sliver of the population – The Bankers, Lobbyists, Corporate Titans and the Politicians. As for the rest, let them eat grass. That’s what more and more Americans will be increasingly reduced to. We’ve already read reports of […]

Who Says NYC Restaurants are Just for Eating

People do it in the strangest of places. In closets. In the air (you schmucks heard of the Mile-High Club?). Under water. In the car while driving. In the White House Oval Office. In school staff rooms (we’ve seen it). In trains. In churches. In buses (we’ve seen heard the noise). On the office table […]

OMG, Did Delaware Just Experience an Earthquake?

OMG. A few minutes back, around 1:49PM ET, we felt the whole house shake. Not a mild shake but something more severe. You know, this side and that as if it was going to collapse. It lasted about 15-20 seconds. We rushed out in fear. Only to see our African-American neighbor running out of his […]

Deven Sharma Out-graded for Downgrading America

Deven Sharma, president of tainted credit rating firm Standard & Poor’s, has been out-graded (take that neologism, schmucks). Sharma, 55, is stepping down as head of the firm effective September 12 but will remain an adviser of the parent company until the end of the year. The official reason cited for Sharma’s departure is that […]

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