Indian Makes Tech History – Fires 18,000

Indians in the U.S. are in the news for all the wrong reasons. If desis are not groping their fellow airline passengers, butchering family members, kidnapping babies, killing grandmas, masturbating on planes, committing medicare fraud or engaging in financial chicanery, then they’re destroying the livelihoods of thousands of workers. Today’s desi newsmaker in America is […]

Should Linux Virgins Sleep with Fedora or Linux Mint?

After years of sleeping with Windows and Mac OS, I’ve lately turned my roving eye toward Linux. I can’t tell you precisely when I embarked upon my affair with Linux, but my new passion is at least six months-old and you’ll be glad to know it’s lately moved into full thrust. 😉 For reasons that […]

Hairless Wonder Satya Nadella Scratching His Head on Windows Phone

If Microsoft’s India-born CEO Satya Nadella is not in tears, he’d better be. Five months after Nadella became CEO of Microsoft, the mediocre leader of one of the world’s largest software firms is finding it impossible to move the needle on Windows Phone. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you know that Windows Phone […]

How NSA Buggered India

Not a day passes that I don’t hear of Mera Bharat Mahaan getting shafted by someone or the other. I just completed Glenn Greenwald’s No Place to Hide, the new book on Edward Snowden and the massive spying apparatus built by the U.S. spy outfit National Security Agency (NSA) in my adopted homeland Amreeka and […]

Will Apple Do a Jesus on Smartwatches?

Resurrection (Painting by Danish artist Carl Bloch) Billions of Christian zombies delight in the myth that Jesus rose bodily from the dead and fondly hail it as the Resurrection! In our own times, Apple is trying the Resurrection trick for watches with the impending launch of a line of smartwatches. Thus arises the multi-billion dollar […]

Humshakals Review – Awesome

Generations to come, it may be, will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth. Source: E=mc² on Mahatma Gandhi As was said about the Mahatma seven decades ago, (jot this down for posterity’s sake, will you) seven decades hence so will it be repeated about […]

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