Steve Jobs Pees All Over Steve Ballmer’s Bald Pate

Is this the end of an era or what?

Today, at the close of trading Apple vaulted ahead of Microsoft in market capitalization.

Here, see the below numbers to peer into the future:

By the way, it beats us as to why Steve Ballmer has not been fired yet.

Ballmer has been head honcho of Microsoft for so many years and yet Apple CEO Steve Jobs and those two Google kids Larry Page and Sergey Brin have peed all over his bald pate.

Too late to undo the damage now.

Microsoft’s Bing search engine has no hope against the Google juggernaut.

As for the Microsoft Zune music/video device, does anyone even use that junk given Apple’s hegemony in the digital entertainment arena.

The less said the better about Microsoft’s ill-fated entree into the smartphone arena.

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