White Girls Declare War on Pubic Hair

One of the advantages of owning an iPad is the extraordinary education we’re getting. With apps like Zite (owned by CNN) installed on the iPad, our intellectual horizons are expanding like never before. Every day, we discover important new things. 😉 And the best part is we never know what aspect of our intellect will […]

The Stool Pigeon – Decent Crime Thriller

You are a jailbird. You decline the police suggestion to become a stool pigeon. You get out of jail. You owe $1 million because of your late father’s debts. You see your sister being pimped out. You steal a car. You’re caught in flagrante. You are screwed, screwed, screwed, royally screwed. No Choice, Really Now, […]

SI & Santa @ Apple Store Grand Central

The small Apple is now gracing the Big Apple’s Grand Central train station. Yes, Apple’s newest store in Manhattan opened this Friday at the Grand Central in Midtown Manhattan. We stopped by over the weekend to see what the hoopla was all about. Oh my, what a noisy affair it turned out to be. It […]